
DbOom provides an efficient, powerful and thin layer over JDBC that significantly simplifies writing of database code. Using pure JDBC api correctly requires writing the same code snippets over and over again, what easily leads to unmaintainable application. Often there are run-time problems just because of incorrect database handling. DbOom introduces several smart façades that helps in writing smaller, cleaner and maintainable code.

Moreover, DbOom is the mapper between object and relational world using plain SQL queries. It defines object-table mappings using annotations or naming convention. However, relationships are not pre-defined, they are set on very place where used. The best way how to think of DbOom is from the JDBC perspective: it is not a full-blown complex ORM library; instead, it is just a nice tool built over Db for efficient database mapping.


  • Significantly simplified JDBC.

  • Enhanced statements, named parameters.

  • Throws unchecked exceptions.

  • Fast, no performance loss, no *QL parsing.

  • Debugging mode where all statement '?' are replaced with values.

  • Plain-old SQL is used, not proprietary *QL.

  • Easy to learn and understand.

  • Annotation-based mapping (optional).

  • Mapping to types

  • Mapping 1-1 and 1-many relations (on-the-fly)

  • Template-SQL for queries aware of entities

  • Database auto-detection

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